Witch: True or Fiction?

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Haunt Master

Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Haunt Master » Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:47 pm

Just recently I met my cousin and he asked me about the witch which he actually already met a few days ago... She gave him her phone number and her home address, so he wanted to know if it is safe for him to visit her or not?

Well, where she was living there that he made frequent visits to her... She was not home all the whole time! So, he tried look around the house, it's empty! :shock: About a few hours later he kept calling her as many as he can make the phone calls to her.... (NO ANSWERING!) The phone was ringing, ringing, ringing over and over... still no answering from the witch! I'm not so sure if that witch might have given my cousin wrong phone number and wrong address? He will find out later. And, he already gave me the notepad with the witch's phone # and the home address too. I will check it out later. I know this sounds funny and strange... What do you think?

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:16 pm

Well witches and warlocks, or people who practice Wicca do exist. So do people who practice black magic and satanism. (And they are not related to each other because Wiccans do not believe in satan)

As far as having real supernatural or preternatural powers is concerned, there's where I have my doubts. I have yet to see one of my nieces incantations (she's into Wicca) actualy work. She also takes part in seiances and uses a oueja board, and I wish she wouldn't. She wanted to have a seance in my house, but I would not permit it.


Haunt Master

Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Haunt Master » Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:05 pm

I hope your niece is a good Wiccan. :lol: How old is she? Does she live with you or what?

BTW, I haven't heard from my cousin about that witch he met. I am still waiting to hear from him asap. Also, I did call the witch's phone number.... still no answering at all! I think she probably gave him a fake number and the fake address too. That's true there was a house where everything's emptied! I don't understand... :?

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:53 pm

My oldest niece, the one who's into Wicca, is a very good person. Shbe's in her early 30s, and is married. They both live in Joliet, Illinois. They often come to visit me. I have two parties at my house every year, and I host Thanksgiving dinner every other year. They were at my Tree Trimming party a few weeks ago, and I expect they will be at myh St. Patrick's Day party in March.

At any rate, she wanted to have a seance in my house and use her oueja board at my house because it's so old, and is rumored to be haunted. I won't allow it because it's against my religeon and it can get the attention of evil spirits.


Haunt Master

Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Haunt Master » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:18 pm

That woul be good idea not to allow your niece use ouija board into your house, or else the evil spirits will be spread around inside and outside of your house, so please don't let her do that. ;)

I believe she will listen to you because it is against your religious like if you say so. :)

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by TheGreatPumpkin » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:07 am

Hmm, I really believe in witchcraft. I know people who think they can do things but really it is just by coincidence. Of course if witches/warlocks can do things like that, I think it best to not mess with it. I know someone who is into Wicca but she says it is more about the using the natural energy of the earth.

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:11 am

My niece is into Wicca, and that is exactly what she believes. I think part of the Wicca philosophy, and I could be wrong, is based on what they call the "Four elements." Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.


Haunt Master

Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Haunt Master » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:14 pm

Yes, that's right. I've seen those words like that in the movie "The Craft".

Pumpkin_Man wrote:My niece is into Wicca, and that is exactly what she believes. I think part of the Wicca philosophy, and I could be wrong, is based on what they call the "Four elements." Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.


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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:30 pm

I saw "The Craft" years ago, but I don't think those girls were Wiccans. I think they were satanists, and the producers of that film mistook the "four elements of Wicca" for satanic practice.

That happens a lot, and Wiccans get really peeved about it when it does. My niece did not like "The Craft" at all.


Haunt Master

Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Haunt Master » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:51 pm

Yes, to me, they don't look as wiccans. They're satanists. They seeked some evil magic casts to revenge against other ones. Not really good story, but I do enjoy this movie. :)

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:07 pm

I actualy thought it was an 'okay' story as scary stories go, but not very accurate. White magic does not try to do evil to others, because of their belief in carma. At least that's the way my niece explains it. She's into all kinds of beliefs in reincarnation and the like, and she states that when ever you give out 'bad carma,' it comes back to you three fold. In other words, if you punch some one, at some later time you will be punched three times, or three times as hard.

I don't to taly understand how the carma thing works, and I also don't believe in it, as I am a Christian, but "The Craft" was very inaccurate, and many Wiccans from what I've heard found it offensive.


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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by TheGreatPumpkin » Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:01 am

That is what I have always heard too. I thought 'The Craft' was ok but it just seemd like a wiccan version of 'Mean Girls'.

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:43 am

That's about the name of it. The theme was misuse of power, but very inaccurate.


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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by TheGreatPumpkin » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:43 pm

Good point.

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Re: Witch: True or Fiction?

Post by Pumpkin King » Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:14 pm

Witches are real. A lot of them use voodoo. I'm not so sure about paranormal powers, but I think some of them also use ouija boards.

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