My House is Haunted

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My House is Haunted

Post by Spooky » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:19 am

I could tell a billion stories about it.

Last year in October we were adding an additon on for my mom to come live with us. We were putting a crawl space under the addition. The building code said it had to be dug down 16 inches...the guys dug it out with a backhoe first...down 12 inches....I laughed cause we had no rain all summer last year...and then as soon as we dug the hole...I said watch it rain and fill up like the pool in Poltergeist...I even JOKED about a cemetary being there...Well,,it did rain...but nothing popped up. But, the building inspector showed up and said they needed to dig 4 more inches of dirt my contractors came back and did it by hand....they yelled for me to come see what they dug up...I thought they were just goofing around with me cause they know I love Halloween, and they were holding a tombstone...and I said...No way!! And they said Yeah Way! You could read it perfectly clear. It was the name of a boy, and his parents names, and he died on Feb. 11, 1847 and was 2 years 1 month and 1 day old.

That was freaky..because it wasn't buried that deep...and the backhoe didn't destroy it...they found it by was perfectly legible. We actually had planned originally to build in another location on our property, but were forced by zoning laws to build where we did.

We have the tombstone still. The next day I went out to see what else they dug up...and they had dug up bones...(they looked like hip bones-but of an adult)...and rib bones, and pieces of wood-from a coffin and really old nails.

We realized then after looking at the pile of dirt that the backhoe dug up...that the things we thought were rocks...were old tombstones.

We still are shocked though...because all this stuff was buried less than 2 feet down.

Really weird stuff happens in my house every day.

I actually wrote a letter once to a website that does investigations in to Haunted Houses...they wanted to use my stories for on their website...but I wanted to talk to someone that could help me write this stuff down in a book.

I might have to get the letter I wrote them and post it on here, so people can read about some of the crazy stuff that happens to us...on a daily basis...let me tell you I am the most skeptical person on the planet...I never believed in stuff like that ever.....but too many unexplainable things happen here....and there's too many witnesses to it.

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Post by geekmidwinter » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:06 pm

OMG, if I had a haunted house the first phone call I would make would be to Grant and Jason from Ghosthunters! I have a total crush on those guys.

Okay, that's it. You need to plan a board sleepover, the weekend after Halloween, and we'll all come stay the weekend and read scary books and mourn the end of the Halloween season, and have support groups for those of us that are traumatized by it. I know Hooch is with me on this. Are you booked already?

Did you find any history of the area? What was there back in 1847? A whole graveyard? Or a private home with a family plot?
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect.

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Post by Celtic Ghoul » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:52 pm

I second midwintergeek!
While friends and loved ones mourn your silly grave, I have other uses for you, darling. ~ I love the Dead, Alice Cooper

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Post by Spooky » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:05 pm

I thought at first it might have been a family plot...but you can tell by the way the tombstone of the little boy is cut, that it looks like it had been attached to another stone....and for that year- 1847...for a family to be able to afford this nice of a tombstone...where the lettering is scripted ..they had to be well off...because that was a long time ago. So, we definately think cemetary, because we found a ton of other could tell they weren't regular stones that they had been cut in the shape of tombstones, but none of them were the bones we found were an adult person.

I had a neighbor who was giving me all kinds of problems with my parking..she was blocking me in and I couldn't get out, so after finally telling her to move a million times, I finally called the police and they told her she would be towed...I came out to get in my car...and she called me a wicked old witch...I was like...what??? Your the one parking in my driveway. So, that night there was a bad storm and a tree fell out of the woods and landed right on our property line, the branches were laying across the roof of her never scratched it, it did bust a board on our carport...but if she had been parked where she had been, her car would have been totalled, and she would have been parked was like some kind of force of nature was telling her to get the heck off my property...then just weeks after this...there was a huge tree....behind this person's house....I said to my mom...that tree is going to come crashing down on that house one day....1 week later it did. They were lucky they weren't killed. The House was a piece of junk before the tree collapsed on it, but they had lived there for 30 years...and didn't care. They say the tree was one of the oldest trees in our town....and it probably dated back to the time period the little boy died.

This is just another freaky thing that happened...

But I have pictures to prove it.

There was a stray black cat that showed up the same night the tombstone was found...we had seen him around before that...he would sit up in the woods and meow...but he never let anyone close to him...that night...he came out of the woods, and came right up on the deck, and was purring and rubbing all over everyone...he stuck around for about a week.

My mother (who the addition was for)...she had to give up her 3 cats in order to move here with us, because my son is allergic to them, and I can't have inside cats...because of having to keep my house clean for guests...and I don't want cat hair in people's she had to find homes for them...last summer a mother cat and her 2 kittens showed up here. We couldn't find homes for they live here now. We got them spayed and neutered. She gave up 2 girls and a boy- and that's what showed up here. It was pretty weird. They are outside cats, but they got a great home.

Check it out: ... 4947-1.jpg

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Post by Spooky » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:11 pm

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Post by Spooky » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:12 pm

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Re: My House is Haunted

Post by cooleycoolgirl » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:53 pm

[quote="Spooky"]I could tell a billion stories about it.

Last year in October we were adding an additon on for my mom to come live with us. We were putting a crawl space under the addition. The building code said it had to be dug down 16 inches...the guys dug it out with a backhoe first...down 12 inches....I laughed cause we had no rain all summer last year...and then as soon as we dug the hole...I said watch it rain and fill up like the pool in Poltergeist...I even JOKED about a cemetary being there...Well,,it did rain...but nothing popped up. But, the building inspector showed up and said they needed to dig 4 more inches of dirt my contractors came back and did it by hand....they yelled for me to come see what they dug up...I thought they were just goofing around with me cause they know I love Halloween, and they were holding a tombstone...and I said...No way!! And they said Yeah Way! You could read it perfectly clear. It was the name of a boy, and his parents names, and he died on Feb. 11, 1847 and was 2 years 1 month and 1 day old.

That was freaky..because it wasn't buried that deep...and the backhoe didn't destroy it...they found it by was perfectly legible. We actually had planned originally to build in another location on our property, but were forced by zoning laws to build where we did.

We have the tombstone still. The next day I went out to see what else they dug up...and they had dug up bones...(they looked like hip bones-but of an adult)...and rib bones, and pieces of wood-from a coffin and really old nails.

We realized then after looking at the pile of dirt that the backhoe dug up...that the things we thought were rocks...were old tombstones.

We still are shocked though...because all this stuff was buried less than 2 feet down.

Really weird stuff happens in my house every day.

I actually wrote a letter once to a website that does investigations in to Haunted Houses...they wanted to use my stories for on their website...but I wanted to talk to someone that could help me write this stuff down in a book.

I might have to get the letter I wrote them and post it on here, so people can read about some of the crazy stuff that happens to us...on a daily basis...let me tell you I am the most skeptical person on the planet...I never believed in stuff like that ever.....but too many unexplainable things happen here....and there's too many witnesses to it.[/quote]

what was the website bc i want to tell them about my house it is haunted as well. :twisted:
Im into haunted places

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Post by Spooky » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:23 pm

I can't remember the exact name of it, but I found it after going to Gettysburg, PA.... I typed in Haunted Ghost Tours of Gettysburg...and there was a website where a guy wrote a bunch of books about that area and about it being haunted, and it was on his website that I found it.

I'll have to search back through stuff and see if I can find the actual website.

The email of the person I wrote to is:

It is possible the website would be: Haunted America Tours

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Post by SadAngelove » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:44 pm

:shock: UUUU scarry boogey boogey.
btw.. hi all my name is maria

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Post by geekmidwinter » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:51 pm

Hi Maria, welcome from another Texas girl! Man, we're taking over!
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect.

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Post by SadAngelove » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:55 pm

geekmidwinter wrote:Hi Maria, welcome from another Texas girl! Man, we're taking over!

:D yup! Howdy!

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Re: My House is Haunted

Post by Andybev01 » Wed May 07, 2008 5:33 pm

I mean no disrespect for the deceased but I would totally use the tombstones to pave a patio with!

Okay; I'm probably going to hell for that one...
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.

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Re: My House is Haunted

Post by Ghost » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:04 am

Spooky wrote:I could tell a billion stories about it.

Last year in October we were adding an additon on for my mom to come live with us. We were putting a crawl space under the addition. The building code said it had to be dug down 16 inches...the guys dug it out with a backhoe first...down 12 inches....I laughed cause we had no rain all summer last year...and then as soon as we dug the hole...I said watch it rain and fill up like the pool in Poltergeist...I even JOKED about a cemetary being there...Well,,it did rain...but nothing popped up. But, the building inspector showed up and said they needed to dig 4 more inches of dirt my contractors came back and did it by hand....they yelled for me to come see what they dug up...I thought they were just goofing around with me cause they know I love Halloween, and they were holding a tombstone...and I said...No way!! And they said Yeah Way! You could read it perfectly clear. It was the name of a boy, and his parents names, and he died on Feb. 11, 1847 and was 2 years 1 month and 1 day old.

That was freaky..because it wasn't buried that deep...and the backhoe didn't destroy it...they found it by was perfectly legible. We actually had planned originally to build in another location on our property, but were forced by zoning laws to build where we did.

We have the tombstone still. The next day I went out to see what else they dug up...and they had dug up bones...(they looked like hip bones-but of an adult)...and rib bones, and pieces of wood-from a coffin and really old nails.

We realized then after looking at the pile of dirt that the backhoe dug up...that the things we thought were rocks...were old tombstones.

We still are shocked though...because all this stuff was buried less than 2 feet down.

Really weird stuff happens in my house every day.

I actually wrote a letter once to a website that does investigations in to Haunted Houses...they wanted to use my stories for on their website...but I wanted to talk to someone that could help me write this stuff down in a book.

I might have to get the letter I wrote them and post it on here, so people can read about some of the crazy stuff that happens to us...on a daily basis...let me tell you I am the most skeptical person on the planet...I never believed in stuff like that ever.....but too many unexplainable things happen here....and there's too many witnesses to it.

:shock: I thought my house was haunted when stuff appeared to be moving around, but tombstones less than two feet beneath the house is just plain eerie. If you could tell that many stories about the house, I would move out of there quick. :!:

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Re: My House is Haunted

Post by myshy » Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:33 pm

My grandparents have a mobel out in arziona where I live we moved out of our house in California and we stayed at the mobel till we bought a house. I would sleep in a room and i woke up i would see this thing standing in the middle of the room!I was a ghsot with black hair and a white dress it was freaky.

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Re: My House is Haunted

Post by Creepy Skull » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:35 pm


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