- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
Like I said. ANYONE who comes to my door in costume and says "Trick or Trreat" will get a piece of candy. I don't care if he's 6 or 60. The only requirements are a costume, TOT bag and say "Trick or Treat," like the tradition calls for.
- Halloween_crazyy
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
I agree with PM, everyone derserves, candy as long as they have the spirit of Halloween!
H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N !
- DemonSlayerMau
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
Well, I handed out candy to anyone who wanted some. I agree with Pumpkin_Man, no one should have to miss out on ToTing even if they're 110! 

This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...
~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...
~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
I probably would go TOTing if I had kids, and some one could stay home to answer the door for other TOTers. That's something that got cut short in my childhood because of my own self-consiousness.
- Master Reaper
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
I have never seen adults trick or treating by themselves, always with their kids or other young children. I have, however, seen older teenagers (16 and 17) trick or treating. As someone who passes out candy, it doesn't bother me as long as they are respectful to the younger children.
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
That's the way it is in my town, too. I never see any adults TOTing withoug kids. The oldest ones who ever came to my door that I can remember eppeared to be about 17 or 18.
- Master Reaper
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
have you ever seen 'Curb YOur Enthusiasm' on HBO? It deals with Larry David calling teenagers out for trick or treating. After he refuses to give them candy, they TP his house in the middle of the night. The cops come and he tells them what happened and the cop was like "why didn't you just give them the candy?". It is such a funny episode.
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
I don't have HBO, so I never caught that.
As much as I love Halloween and ToT, I have a major problem with kids thinking that they are OWED candy on Halloween. There are very good reasons why some people don't give out candy to ToTers. Some elderly people just can't afford it, others have been the victims of home invasions by teenagers pretendint to be ToTing.
Now don't get me wrong. As long as the custom of ringing the door bell and yelling "Trick or Treat" is being observed, I will allways hand out candy. Makes no difference if the ToTer is 2 or 102. But if I catch some one vandlizing some one's property because that person doesn't give out candy, I will call the cops on him, pure and simple.
As much as I love Halloween and ToT, I have a major problem with kids thinking that they are OWED candy on Halloween. There are very good reasons why some people don't give out candy to ToTers. Some elderly people just can't afford it, others have been the victims of home invasions by teenagers pretendint to be ToTing.
Now don't get me wrong. As long as the custom of ringing the door bell and yelling "Trick or Treat" is being observed, I will allways hand out candy. Makes no difference if the ToTer is 2 or 102. But if I catch some one vandlizing some one's property because that person doesn't give out candy, I will call the cops on him, pure and simple.
- Master Reaper
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
I have never thought of someone posing as a trick or treater and then robbing the home. That is scary! I guess some people will do anything.
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
That happened when I lived in Joliet. A group of teenagers came to an elderly woman's house dressed in Halloween costumes. It was Halloween, and lots of kids were out ToTing. They came just like any other ToTers, when the woman opened the door, they all yelled "Trick or Treat," and the head thug pulled out a gun, barged into the old lady's house, took all of her cash as she had just cashed her Social Security check, and were disappointed because there wasnt any more, and they smacked her around.
That poor woman never opened the door on Halloween to anyone ever again after, and I can't say I blame her.
Incidently, folks, it's incidents like the above and other scary things that happen on both sides of the door which is the very reason why "Trick or Treat" may be a dieing tradition. Like anything else, it's a freedom, that once it's gets too abuse, will be lost to legislation aimed at making us safer. Take the driving age in Illinois for instance. I got my driver's license when I was 16. My niece had to wait until she was 18, because so many of the 16-year-olds abused the privilage. The drinking age use to be 19. The 19-year-olds were getting arested more then any other age groups for crimes related to alcoholism, so the drinking age got raised to 21. Fireworks were legal and freely available in Illinois when I was a little kid. You could buy firecrackers, bottle rockets and all kinds of spectacular fireworks right down the corner from our house, UNTIL it was determined that the 'wiesenheimers' were abusing that freedom, so most fireworks, except for a few basic things, were outlawed.
So my advice is if you see ANYONE abusing "Trick or Treat" in any way, stop him, report him, nip what he's doing in the bud BEFORE the local or state government decides to hose everyone's Halloween with an all out ban on ToT.
That poor woman never opened the door on Halloween to anyone ever again after, and I can't say I blame her.
Incidently, folks, it's incidents like the above and other scary things that happen on both sides of the door which is the very reason why "Trick or Treat" may be a dieing tradition. Like anything else, it's a freedom, that once it's gets too abuse, will be lost to legislation aimed at making us safer. Take the driving age in Illinois for instance. I got my driver's license when I was 16. My niece had to wait until she was 18, because so many of the 16-year-olds abused the privilage. The drinking age use to be 19. The 19-year-olds were getting arested more then any other age groups for crimes related to alcoholism, so the drinking age got raised to 21. Fireworks were legal and freely available in Illinois when I was a little kid. You could buy firecrackers, bottle rockets and all kinds of spectacular fireworks right down the corner from our house, UNTIL it was determined that the 'wiesenheimers' were abusing that freedom, so most fireworks, except for a few basic things, were outlawed.
So my advice is if you see ANYONE abusing "Trick or Treat" in any way, stop him, report him, nip what he's doing in the bud BEFORE the local or state government decides to hose everyone's Halloween with an all out ban on ToT.
- Master Reaper
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
THings are just getting crazy. I hate it that things aren't the way today that they were when I was growing up.
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
It appears that it's going to get worse before it gets any better. I just hope that our government finaly gets off the "kick" of sacroficing freedom for safety. But we do need to go after the individuals who abuse the freedoms, not simply take awaay the freedoms because a few 'bad apples' spoiled it for everyone else.
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
Pumpkin_Man wrote:It appears that it's going to get worse before it gets any better. I just hope that our government finaly gets off the "kick" of sacroficing freedom for safety. But we do need to go after the individuals who abuse the freedoms, not simply take awaay the freedoms because a few 'bad apples' spoiled it for everyone else.
Indeed, Indeed. The downfall of free civilization will be an overabundance of "safety".

"But nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear." - Stephen King
- Pumpkin_Man
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
Ironicaly, when freedom is lost, nobody is ever safe.
- Haunt Master
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Re: Do adults ever go trick or treating?
Very ironic.Pumpkin_Man wrote:Ironicaly, when freedom is lost, nobody is ever safe.

"But nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear." - Stephen King