All about TipMeWP plugin for WordPress and BBPress.
This plugin inserts a “Tip Me” icon in WordPress posts if the user has a Twitter account and have put the Twitter link in their website field of their profile. This works similarly for BBPress posts so users can get tips if they just have a Twitter link defined in the website field of their profile.
You can see how easily it works just by clicking the “TipMe” button on this post – just don’t hit “Tweet” if you don’t want to tip.
Differently from the “ChangeTip” WordPress plugin, this does not require any API or setup for the blog creator or people posting on the blog. All they need is a twitter account with the URL entered in their “website” field of their profile. You do not need to connect your ChangeTip account to WordPress. If a user logs in using, for example, the Social Login plugin via Twitter, the website field should already be populated. Others can edit their profile to include the twitter link.
To send a tip, you need a ChangeTip account. To receive a tip, the receiver will be prompted as to how to collect if they do not have a ChangeTip account.
In a BBPress forum users can tip one another for good posts.
This probably will work with versions of WordPress before 4.1, but has not been tested.
== Description ==
This plugin inserts a TipMe icon in WordPress posts if the user has a Twitter username and has put the Twitter link in their website field of their profile. TipMe buttons for BBPress posts are inserted so users can get tips if they just have a Twitter username defined in the website field of their profile.
In short, it creates a tweet that the ChangeTip bot pics up and delivers with just one click.
We are using it on some of our web sites, so thought others might enjoy using it on theirs, but it comes without any warranty express or implied, and should be used at your own risk. It is a quite simple concept so should be quite reliable.
== Installation ==
1. Just upload the plugin or install from
2. Activate.
3. Select any settings you would like different from the default. There are only two
options – the icon to use and the default amount to tip.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Can I change the icon? =
Yes, in the settings.
= Can I remove the “Enter Twitter URL in profile website field to enable tipping”?
Yes, just rename the original “no-twitter.png” to “no-twitter-orig.png”
and the “no-twitter-1pix.png” to “no-twitter.png”.
= What does the Twitter URL look like? =